Relevant articles: Food
- Tom Tailor's management expands to cope with growthFood18 March, 2015
- Inditex turnover up 8% thanks to store openingsFood18 March, 2015
- Van de Velde settles in Intimacy court caseFood17 March, 2015
- 5 % turnover growth for Hugo Boss's fourth quarterFood12 March, 2015
- Scapa founder passed awayFood10 March, 2015
- Excellent year for Foot LockerFood9 March, 2015
- Abercrombie & Fitch still strugglesFood5 March, 2015
- H&M affiliate Cos on its way to LuxembourgFood4 March, 2015
- Gap sends out profit alertFood2 March, 2015
- C&A's new ad campaign focuses on the "real life"Food26 February, 2015
- American Supreme Court to tackle Abercrombie's hijabFood26 February, 2015
- Topshop opens first continental flagship store in AmsterdamFood25 February, 2015
- SuperGroup's CFO is bankrupt and steps downFood25 February, 2015